Production of cosmetic tubes according to the 3R philosophy – REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE
The requirement of the modern world is daily adaptation to the conditions of the changing reality;following the changing needs. Caring for our planet is caring for ourselves and our loved ones.
We reduce the amount of waste generated to a minimum thanks to the innovative technology of tube production, we reduce the amount of waste 7 times thanks to decorating laminates with a thickness of up to 60 microns, we reduce energy consumption and avoid wasting materials thanks to in-line production.
We reuse the materials necessary to prepare the production and start-up of machines, reducing the scale of waste thanks to innovative technology and in-line production. We can produce tubes consisting of PCR/PIR materials up to 83% of their volume.
Moving towards the Circular Economy - we collect, segregate and use all waste by reprocessing it.